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Commission on Disabilities Agenda 01/15/2013
The Salem Commission on Disabilities will hold their monthly meeting on
January 15th, at 4:00p.m.
Salem Access TV 285 Derby St. , Salem, MA

All of the Commission’s meetings are open to the public. Any person with a disability and/or their family member or advocate, are strongly encouraged and welcome to attend and voice their concerns in writing or, be placed on the Agenda and send them to

Co-Chair, Debra Lobstitz at, 

All of the Commission’s meetings are taped and broadcasted throughout the month on Salem Access TV Channel 22 for the public’s convenience.

For more information, e-mail, Co-Chair, Debra Lobstitz at, or, Commissioner, Andrew J. LaPointe at


Welcome statement
The Salem Commission on Disability is committed to making Salem a better place to work and live for people with disabilities.  Also, as one of the finest tourist cities in the world, the Commission strives to make Salem a more accessible place to visit for people living with all kinds of disabilities.  
Our mission is to raise awareness, educate, and provide informational resources about various disability issues.  Two of the ways we do so are by providing educational information in the monthly meetings broadcasted on the local cable network, SATV, and providing a daily audible column to help maximize the pedestrian commuter’s safety.
The Commission supports a strong relationship with their city government, their constituents and the Salem business community, including the museums and other tourist attractions.


Topic: Demo of FM systems for communication access (Debra Lobsitz)

        Update Plans for Joint Conference of regional Disabilities Commissions
        Review list for expenditures of funds in HC parking violation fines (please see page 2)
  • The Carroll Center for the Blind has an Information Day the first Wednesday of every month for consumers, families, professionals, and students. Visitors see the campus, learn from the rehabilitation instructors, and talk to graduates about their experience in the adult and senior rehabilitation and technology programs.
  • The Hearing Aid Law for Children, Chapter 233 of the Acts of 2012, went into effect in Massachusetts on January 1, 2013. The law applies to all health plans that are delivered, issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2013. This means that coverage becomes effective as policies are renewed throughout 2013.  More information: The Massachusetts Hearing Aids for Children Coalition
  • Information about Free cell phone programs
Success Story

Next meeting: Tuesday February 19, 2013, 4:00 PM
Guest Speaker: Tom Muxie from Peabody, model, actor, advocate and so much more ..

This list is modified from the original one that David Tracht shared with us.

1. Audible bulletin board~(in progress)
2. SATV captioning, partnering with SATV, City Council, School committee
3. Safety strips on City Hall stairs
4. Scholarships for qualified high school seniors
5. PT police ticketing for HP violations
6. Braille/large print material at visitors center (partnering)
7. Equipment at playgrounds for disabled children (partnering)
8. Interpreters~when needed
9. Inspirational speakers such as Travis Roy at schools
10. SCOD brochure about accessibility in Salem
11. Pocket talkers for City departments when needed
12. Software (large print/jaws for city departments (computer access)